Cucinelli Theatre
Soundproofing becomes art

Beauty and nature: the added value of Diasen

The soundproofing of Cucinelli Theatre in Solomeo was actually a combination of design requirements:

  • preserving the historic building
  • finding a material that fits the geometries of the structure
  • improve acoustic comfort by reducing sound reverberation
  • respect the maximum permissible thickness of material application

The challenge was therefore to find a single solution for all project specificities. The cork and natural hydraulic lime-based plaster Diathonite Acoustix+ was the best way to solve structural problems related to improving living comfort.

Time of realisation: 3-4 weeks
Location: Solomeo, Umbria, Italy
Intervention: Acoustic insulation and soundproofing


NRC: 0,75

Average between frequencies 250HZ, 500HZ, 1000HZ, and 2000HZ describing the sound absorption performance of a material


ρ = 400 kg/m3

Macroporous structure with high air content ensures excellent performance in terms of insulation and absorption of excess moisture

Reaction to fire


Class A1 according to UNI EN ISO 13501-1. No flame generation and no smoke emission


If you want to learn more about all the technical aspects and interesting facts about our Diathonite Acoustix+ solution

Technical insights

The application of the ecological cork-based plaster Diathonite Acoustix+, on all the walls, in combination with the other sound-absorbing materials and the TMA seats, guaranteed the desired result for the acoustic insulation of the theatre, reducing the reverberation time and improving the Clarity and Definition indices. The 40% improvement in the TSI value and 50% improvement in the RaSTI value should also be considered, guaranteeing spectators a good listening level in every part of the theatre.

During the design phase, CIRIAF (Research Centre of the University of Perugia) was commissioned to conduct evaluation simulations on reverberation time (T60), Clarity (C50) and Definition (D) indices, as well as STI (Speech Transmission Index) and RaSTI (Rapid Speech Transmission Index) values.

Used products

To achieve the soundproofing in the Cucinelli Theatre and reduce the effect of sound reverberation in the interior and guarantee the final aesthetic effect desired by the client, Diathonite Acoustix+ cork-based mortar was coated with Limepaint (lime-based paint). The aim was to “bring back to life” the aesthetics of the original structure. Diasen’s breathable and sustainable solutions enabled its restoration and future durability.

Diathonite Acustix+ application methods

Find out how it was possible to apply our green cork-based plaster to the curved surface of the theatre in order to achieve sound insulation and improve the sound absorption index

Discover more

Theatre soundproofing

Theatres in Italy often represent a historical heritage to be preserved. Few people take into consideration the real difficulties involved in carrying out soundproofing work combined with thermal insulation. These buildings, which have peculiar and very often unique shapes and geometries, are not infrequently a headache to solve even for the best architects and engineers specialised in acoustics. Indeed, acoustic insulation and/or soundproofing can present quite a few problems, and consequently blockages, when it comes to improving acoustic comfort. The key is to find the right solution to a very specific problem.

Certainly among the best materials for thermally and acoustically insulating theatres is the use of natural cork. This noble raw material also contributes to the thermo-hygrometric balance, allowing the walls of the structure to be insulated not only acoustically, but also thermally. Being able to apply a versatile solution that adapts to all the constraints required in cases such as theatres, where the constraints are not only structural (complex geometries) but also, and above all, bureaucratic (thicknesses, application restricted to the interior only) is the key to opening many doors towards the definitive resolution of the problem.

Diasen’s ecological and sustainable plasters allow precisely this: they combine the lightness of cork with the insulating capacity of natural hydraulic lime and other natural raw materials, adapting to the walls and allowing all types of rooms to be insulated acoustically and thermally in a non-intrusive and, above all, uniquely elegant manner.

Other acoustic insulation and soundproofing projects