Acoustic insulation 11 July 2023 Acoustic Reverberation and Architecture: How Space Design Can Affect Architectural Acoustics Acoustic reverberation is a phenomenon that occurs when sound is reflected off the wall, floor… Diasen 0 Love0
Acoustic insulation 12 June 2023 Sound absorption and sound insulation: what’s the difference? In the hustle and bustle of modern life, silence has become a precious and rare… Diasen 0 Love0
Acoustic insulation 12 June 2023 Sound absorption and performance evaluations of sound-absorbing materials In the vast landscape of architecture and space design, acoustics is often overlooked but of… Diasen 0 Love0
Acoustic insulationIsolamento acustico 12 April 2023 Acoustic insulation: the comfort of cork When it comes to living comfort, one of the most important aspects is the ability… Diasen Love0