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The temperature indoor our house plays a crucial role not only in our well-being but also in our physical and psychological health. When it is too cold or hot, we feel less active, more nervous and sluggish. Bearing in mind that we often find ourselves living up to 22 hours indoors, either to rest or because of uninviting weather conditions, and that 14% of Italians work in their homes, we understand how important it is to find the right living comfort to feel good mentally and physically.

But what is living comfort? It refers to the condition of well-being within living spaces, influenced by various factors such as temperature, humidity, noise level and brightness. It is essential to ensure a welcoming and healthy environment in which to live and carry out daily activities. Finding the optimal temperature, lighting and air quality contributes to creating a comfortable and pleasant environment for the home’s inhabitants.

How is this achieved? What is the ideal temperature for your home? How can it be achieved without spending too much on consumption?

The ideal temperature for homes

When winter arrives, small battles can break out in the homes of Italians. There are those who want a very warm house, even to live in it wearing only a T-shirt, and those who do not want to consume electricity or gas, so they prefer to turn off the radiators and walk around the house wearing a jacket.

Who is right? A house that is too cold can lead to health risks such as colds, and flu and worsening of pre-existing conditions such as arthritis. On the other hand, an overheated house can cause dehydration, dry mucous membranes and headaches, as well as increase energy costs.

The optimal temperature varies slightly depending on the environment and the activities performed, but it is generally recommended to keep the temperature around 20°C during the day and lower it to around 16°C at night in the sleeping area to promote optimal rest.

Furthermore, it is advisable to consider not only the air temperature, but also the humidity to ensure a healthy environment. Air that is too dry can lead to irritation of the respiratory tract, while excessive humidity can promote the formation of harmful mould.

To ensure an ideal temperature in the home, it is advisable to invest in efficient heating systems such as heat pumps, which maintain a constant temperature while reducing energy consumption. The installation of smart thermostats can help to optimally manage heating, allowing precise temperature control and customised programming for each room. Finally, it is good to pay attention to the level of insulation and humidity in the house so as not to waste electricity or gas unnecessarily and to achieve an optimal temperature.

Solutions do exist and do not necessarily require the installation of a thermal coat.

Thermal painting: how to achieve living comfort without spending a fortune

Thermal paint is an innovative solution for improving living comfort and reducing energy costs in buildings. This type of paint, thanks to its thermal properties, helps to insulate the walls of rooms, maintaining a more constant temperature inside and reducing heat loss to the outside.

But what exactly are thermal paints? These are special paints that contain reflective or insulating particles, such as glass or ceramic microspheres, that reflect or block heat, thus reducing heat transmission through walls. Then, there are natural solutions without additives or materials that require a great deal of resources for their production.

This is the case with Diasen thermal paints, which we have designed to embrace a new green building concept. Our anti-mould, anti-humidity and insulating paints are mainly based on cork, pumice or other minerals that are easily found in nature without damaging the environment or using aggressive chemical treatments.

Advantages of cork-based thermal paints

In addition to improving living comfort, thermal paints also offer significant energy savings. According to various studies and research, the use of thermal paints can reduce heating and air conditioning costs by up to 30%, depending on the characteristics of the building and the climate in the area. In terms of annual cost savings, this translates into a significant decrease in energy bills, which can range from hundreds to thousands of euros per year, depending on the size of the building and its energy needs.

Application is quite simple and can be done with a normal roller or brush, just like a traditional paint. After cleaning and preparing the surface, the thermal paint is spread evenly on the walls concerned, allowing it to dry according to the manufacturer’s instructions. It is, therefore, not an invasive and costly intervention like the installation of thermal panels or insulation.

Conclusions: temperature indoor our house

Maintaining the ideal temperature indoor in the house is essential for optimal living comfort, as well as contributing to energy savings and lower bills. A balance between temperature, humidity and ventilation creates a cosy and healthy environment for the whole family.

Thermal paint is an innovative solution for achieving the desired temperature without resorting to excessive use of radiators, thus reducing energy waste and helping to maintain a constant indoor temperature. Thanks to its insulating properties, thermal paint can help reduce heat loss through walls, providing a more comfortable environment and reducing the need for heating.

The cork-based finishes offered by the Decork range are an environmentally friendly and high-performance option for improving the thermal insulation of rooms. With products such as Decork Design, Decork Façade, Decork Alfareflex and Decork Mediterraneo, it is possible to create claddings and decorative finishes with a high thermal insulating power, thus helping to maintain a stable and comfortable indoor temperature.

Find out more on our website and contact us for more information.

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